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air service

Provide timely flights for single shipments or consolidation shipments once orders are collected and cnee approves shipping. Collect all order in house in order to send a larger shipment by air freight. Benefits are:  Less per kilo costs. One charge for terminal, handling, certificates and export declarations. One customs fee at destination. One delivery charge for all orders consolidated.  No charge warehousing while orders are being collected for export. Bond shipments can be shipped together with other cargo collected for a nominal fee to remanifest customs papers. US orders can be picked up and sent along with the other orders while being kept in bond and avoiding have to clear at the border. No duties applicable for orders coming from the US to Canada for export.


Over 25 years of experience handling all aspects of import and export of hockey equipment and sporting goods.

Providing personal long lasting solutions for all of your supply chain needs.


status reports on all movements :

Off season shipping for sporting goods:


Less expensive per kilo, longer transit times. Best for off season non urgent orders being shipped. Ocean freight can be offered from Asia direct to our buyers/cnee’s in Europe in order to avoid shipping from Canada and then re-exporting out of Canada to Europe.

Able to use our own truck fleet for local pickups and delivery. US IN BOND cargo can be picked up and kept in our bonded facility to match up with other orders and then shipped all at once without paying customs clearance, duties and taxes in Canada.

Canadian Global Logistics Inc. will also provide a step by step status report by email on all pickups, arrival, pieces and weight and continual movement reports on all orders that are arriving at our warehouse. This allows the client to see which orders are ready and to also make timely decisions on when to ship out.


Canadian Global Logistics Inc., will also contact each supplier indicated on the shipment  and provide feedback to the consignee such as: Orders are back ordered, product not ready, payment not received, questions left unanswered. This allows the client to take care of their core business and leave this to someone else to do for them.